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The CreActivist Marketer® who is Doing it Differently!
Marketing Mentor for Business Owners who want More!
"I help you with those really messy, meaty, knotty
business and brand problems through CreActivity!"
So, you might be thinking what can this “John Nick” actually do for me?
You’re smart. I like that.
Here's the craic; I'm not in the business of fighting over scraps with the masses.
I'm in the business of absolute and total domination.
And if you're in this with me, then that's the business you're in too,
and ready to start Doing it Differently!
Quite exciting, really.

"This is the real world and I focus on results through CreActivity...
Increase sales. Make a measurable change in attitude or perception. Solve problems. Make a difference."
Strategy Ideas Copywriting
Creativity Marketing
Niche Brand Dominate
Difference Advertising
Recent Blog Posts
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